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Splitting/Merging Paths

Splitting Path

A single Path can be split into two Paths by right-clicking a Path surface and selecting the "Split" option. The operation yields two aligned Paths which are completely independent (i.e. not connected). Splitting is only enabled for Paths with a single PathSpline.

Merging Paths

Conversely, two Paths can be merged into one. This is done by selecting two Paths, right-clicking on one of them and selecting the "Merge" option. This operation aligns the two Paths and makes them one. If PathDescriptions differ for the two Paths, a prompt will be shown allowing you to select the PathDescription you want used for the generated Path. All other Path connections will remain as they were prior to the merge operation.

Similarly to the Connect operation, the first selected Path is the one that will be deformed to align with the second one.