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Placing And Selecting Brushes

Placing brushes

Before adding the first brush, make sure to perform the Setup.

The easiest way to create a brush is by using the Create Tool. Pick one of the available brushes from the Actor Class to Spawn dropdown, configure its scale and click somewhere in the viewport to create the brush.

After spawning the brush, you can adjust its visualization options in the Details panel.

With this tool you can also spawn multiple brushes with randomized transforms. It's useful when laying out new areas of the map.

Selecting brushes

Brushes can be selected in the Selection tool by clicking on their outlines or sprite/mesh visualization.


For best editing performance, brushes should be modified in Errant Landscape mode.

Limiting Selectable Brushes

As your project progresses, the number of brushes available on the map is likely to increase, potentially complicating the selection process. To streamline this, you can filter the selectable brushes using tags.

There are two types of tags you can employ to organize your brushes:

  1. Standard Unreal Actor Tags: These are straightforward text fields that can be used for basic tagging.
  2. Errant Landscape Brush Tags: These advanced tags provide additional features like asset descriptions, color coding, and a more efficient selection interface.

To control the visibility and selectability of brushes, navigate to the Visualize tool and adjust the Brush/Actor Visualization properties accordingly.

By utilizing these tagging options, you can maintain a more organized and easily navigable project environment.